2024 Mentor Training Calendar

Listed below are the Mentor Education Training dates for the first part of 2024.

All mentors MUST ATTEND ONE SESSION before they are matched.

Although we only require that mentors attend one training session, you are more than welcome to join as many sessions as you would like. The purpose of this Mentor Education Training is to support YOU with information regarding child development, the match life cycle and critical issues relating to child safety, child abuse and sexual abuse.

In addition, the sessions also provide a great opportunity for you to meet other Bigs and share activity ideas, tips and best practices. We have planned the sessions to take place live via Zoom, but that may change as the year progresses. Watch this space and we’ll keep you posted!

Please be sure to call the session facilitator to RSVP to the session(s) you would like to attend. That way, we can be sure to send you the Zoom link before the meeting.

As ever, if you have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us at the numbers listed. We’re grateful for your participation and will be delighted to give you any help or guidance we possibly can.


BBBS Mentor Education and Roundtable Discussion Dates

Virtual Activities List

There’s something for everyone (both English and Spanish-speaking) on our virtual activities list, so say goodbye to winter weather worries and hello to online fun!

BBBS Website Zoom.png